The Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE 2024) statutory guidance is an essential document for school leaders, staff and volunteers working with children all over England. Child safety is a number one priority in learning spaces, which means that the KCSIE 2024 policies are constantly being improved and refreshed to align with our increasingly complex society.
Consequently, every year, the Department for Education (DfE) updates the guidance to reflect the evolving landscape of safeguarding. The guidance sets out what schools and colleges in England must do to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people under the age of 18.
The 2024 update of the KCSIE policies was released in September 2024 and it included significant changes that must be adhered to in order to safeguard students in the most effective manner. This guide will break down the updates and offer insights into the important areas where essential changes have been made.
The most emphasised challenges focused on the importance of a more impactful focus on the awareness of online safety, children’s mental health and how to manage risks associated with harmful content such as extremism.
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One of the most important updates included in the policies attached to KCSIE 2024 is the enhanced clarification of recommended procedures for reporting safeguarding concerns. Schools and colleges must have a clear system for staff to report any issues. Although this may sound like a simple change, sometimes extra clarity is needed to aid progression!
Alongside this, schools must also provide regular safeguarding training for all members of staff. The training should be focused on how to identify and report any safeguarding issues they may come across. Educators must also ensure that the reporting system is well-communicated and thoroughly understood by students, so if there are any issues, they feel comfortable and safe coming forward.
Focus point = The senior leadership team must review and update their safeguarding policies to ensure that reporting systems are transparent, robust and effective. The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) should also receive additional, specialist training.
The KCSIE 2024 policies were also improved to place a heightened focus on online safety. Now, more than ever, many of the issues raised are connected to the growing accessibility of online content. According to recent data from Ofcom, nearly all children above the age of 12 in the UK have access to the internet, with the majority using mobile phones and tablets to go online, indicating that almost all children over 12 are connected to the internet in some way.
Students can be exposed to issues such as cyberbullying, online grooming, harmful content or exploitation. As well as this, social media can often exacerbate safeguarding risks due to the widespread use of online platforms.
The guidance urges schools and colleges to integrate online safety into the syllabus and create an open environment for students to discuss any concerns they may have. Schools are expected to have clear and focused policies that outline their approach to online safety and how they will work with parents and external agencies to mitigate online risks.
Focus point = The importance of online safety should be embedded in the curriculum. If the foundations of the syllabus need to change to ensure this, the changes must be made efficiently and clearly.
The conversation surrounding mental health continues to be a crucial area of focus in the KCSIE 2024 statutory guidance. The 2023 Mental Health of Children and Young People in England Report found that one in five children and young people in England aged eight to 25 had a probable mental disorder in 2023. This statistic alone highlights the huge issues surrounding the topic of well-being in society, particularly for young people, therefore it must be addressed accordingly.
To contribute to the reduction of mental health issues in school environments, the policies focus on a holistic approach to safeguarding, which includes recognising any signs of concerns and intervening early. The updates include integrating staff training on how to provide a clear referral pathway for pupils who may need mental health support. A greater emphasis on becoming aware of mental health needs and how they intersect with safeguarding has also been formed. Naturally, many of the new updates will link to the topic of mental health in one way or another, so it’s essential to make connections and know how to approach them.
Focus Point = Evaluation systems must be put into place by school leaders to assess how their current systems support mental health awareness and referrals. Schools should also be dedicated to updating the safeguarding policies to incorporate mental health considerations.
If you’d like to dive into some engaging mental health-related resources, you’re in luck.
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The KCSIE 2024 policies have also introduced a zero-tolerance approach to any form of abuse between students. Previously, there have been grey areas surrounding this topic because of educational centres responding to these issues in different ways.
Therefore, the new policies include clearer definitions of the different kinds of child-on-child abuse, such as bullying, physical violence and sexual violence. The guidance also recommends schools and colleges to have robust policies in place that address these concerns. Arguably, the most important policy is for schools to ensure they do not ‘downplay’ any incidents, regardless of the age of the perpetrator.
Focus Point = Policies should be reviewed to ensure that they are robust and regularly communicated to both staff and students. Schools and colleges should train staff on how to manage allegations sensitively and appropriately.
The 2024 update to KCSIE continues to highlight the importance of safeguarding against the risks of extremism and radicalisation. The guidance provides educators with clear steps on how to recognise the warning signs of radicalisation. Strategies should also be implemented to prevent vulnerable individuals from being targeted. Educational institutions should also work with local authorities and external agencies to provide support and information.
As well as this, the update further emphasises the importance of creating a strong school culture where diversity and inclusion are at the core of the schools ethos.
Focus Point = The institutions ‘Prevent’ policies should be reviewed and updated. Staff should be well-informed about the signs of radicalisation and the procedures for referral.
The 2024 KCSIE update introduces tighter measures for safer recruitment, especially in the context of staff engaging with vulnerable children. This includes a range of policies, including the reinforced checks on the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children and young people.
Clearer guidance should be employed on how to approach allegations against members of staff, with a strong emphasis on ensuring that any concerns are thoroughly investigated and dealt with appropriately.
Focus Point = Schools must ensure that their recruitment practices align with the updated guidelines. This includes regular training for staff involved in the hiring process.
Take a look at some of Twinkl’s resources that focus on mental health here.
To summarise, the key updates to KCSIE policies in 2024 reflect a broader and more integrated approach to safeguarding. Our current educational landscape must be supported by these improvements.
By consistently updating policies, providing regular training and creating an environment where individuals remain vigilant, schools can ensure they provide a safe and supportive environment for all pupils.
If you would like more information on the future updates, or if you’d like to get ahead in preparation for the KCSIE 2025 guidance, you may wish to focus on topics such as boarding and residential schools, artificial intelligence, children bringing their own devices to schools and supporting children following reports of violence and harassment. These guidelines have been recommended by the DfE.
Elevate Supply can also offer ongoing support, including access to a dedicated team for any questions or concerns you may have. Fancy a chat about any of the issues discussed above? Simply call us on 0114 700 8490 and one of our lovely members will be able to support you.
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